How to add a swapfile with Linux and thoughts on the Die Hard 4.0 movie.

To create a new swapfile on your Linux machine to complement the existing /swap partition; the dd command will come in handy. This command will create the swap file as a loopback filesystem. adeptus-mechanicus ~ # dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1024 count=524288adeptus-mechanicus ~ # dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1024 count=524288 This command…

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Using the VIM editor for Linux.

Using the VIM editor for Linux is a good way to edit configuration files and write programming code. if the VIM editor is not installed on your system then type sudo apt-get install vim. To type text once you have entered the editor, press the i key to enter editing…

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PC-BSD, the nice alternative to Linux. A nice Live BSD OS.

I am trying out the PC-BSD 9.0 live DVD at the moment, this distribution of FreeBSD comes on a variety of ISO images, I downloaded the 2.1 gigabyte Live DVD and loaded it up on my Core i3 machine. The KDE desktop is working well, even though this distribution does…

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Useful *nix information and links.

Linux is not Windows. This is a very good web page that explains the fundamental differences between Windows and Linux. There are many fundamental changes you need to make when making the switch from Windows to a Linux machine, the major changes difference is that Linux is not as…

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Google discontinues Linux & *BSD search pages.   Search engine giant Google has discontinued it`s dedicated Linux and *BSD search pages, preferring a standard unified search page instead, this is part of the new Google, where search quality has improved considerably and now you can search using search terms like [ubuntu nvidia issue] or [fedora 15…

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