A look at the Armageddon movie and Hollywood depictions of space travel.

On the space.com website, there is an article about the Armageddon movie and the giant asteroid that was threatening the Earth. They calculated that the energy needed by a bomb to destroy the Asteroid would be 800 trillion terajoules — compared with the 418,000 terajoules produced by history’s most powerful blast,…

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House representative kills SOPA Internet Censorship bill.

The House of Representatives in the United States have killed the Stop Online Piracy Act. This is a great success in protecting the freedom and openness of the Internet. There have been many people attacking the Internet and even Google for copyright infringment. Rupert Murdoch was speaking out against Google…

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The possible future of the Internet under SOPA?

Is this the future of the Internet after the Stop Online Piracy Act comes into force? Users having to purchase a set package that includes access to a selection of websites and a 500 Megabyte cap with 2 Gigabytes added with each recharge. That would not last long if you…

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