4chan filter rules to block unwanted ads and scripts.

These are very useful filter rules for uBlock Origin, that will block unwanted scripts and trackers on 4chan. The admin of 4chan is putting tracker scripts and images in the website that track all visitors. This is a way to get around this and browse safely. orbitfour47.com @@||4chan.org^*$csp=default-src ‘self’ *…

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Good Firefox 11.0 setup for safer web browsing.

Good Firefox 11.0 setup for safer web browsing. The Firefox web browser truly is a very good and safe browser for everyday use, but with the addition of some extensions, the browsing experience can be made even more secure. Firstly, the Noscript extension is the best and most useful extension…

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Blocking facebook tracking cookies.

With the passing of Steve Jobs, will Steve Wozniak be able to take up the reins and run the Apple corporation just as well as his partner? They built the company up into the huge corporation is is today from their garage and now that they are separated, Mr Wozniak…

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