Print the Bitcoin price with the terminal on Linux.

Printing the current Bitcoin price is very easy with Linux. There are many ways to do this. One way is with curl. Just use this command to get Bitcoin information. [ jason@$deusexmachina.local ] [ Jobs 0. PWD: ~/Documents/Trip. -bash 3.2.57. ] [ 28-:$ ] -> curl -s _ _…

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A very nice one-liner to return the Bitcoin price in USD.

This is a nice one-liner, it will return the current Bitcoin price in USD. ┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[/mnt/c/Users/Intel i5] └─$ curl -s | grep avg: | awk ‘{ print $2}’┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[/mnt/c/Users/Intel i5] └─$ curl -s | grep avg: | awk ‘{ print $2}’ This is the script in action. ┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[/mnt/c/Users/Intel i5] └─$…

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How to setup a Bitcoin wallet easily on Ubuntu.

The Bitcoin revolution has taken the world by Storm. To set this up on your Ubuntu machine, look for the Bitpay app in the Ubuntu App Store. Then, once it is installed, follow the setup instructions and configure the 12 words you need to enter to regain access to the…

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Bitcoin Aussie system is confirmed scam.

The Bitcoin Aussie System App is being advertised a lot on mobile websites. This is a confirmed scam. The website has glowing testimonials to the effectiveness of this automatic app that with a small $300 investment can make the user $12000 in no time. But this is false advertising. Bitcoin…

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