The traditional PC is changing according to Bill Gates.

According to Bill Gates the traditional personal computer is dying and the mobile revolution is signalling a change to tablets and Metro applications instead of the traditional applications that all computer users are enjoying at the present time. But I believe that the standard computer form factor with a tower…

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Theresa May to make encryption and free software illegal in the UK.

Theresa May is trying to make encryption illegal in the UK. She wants Content Service Providers to use Deep Packet Inspection to analyze the data sent over provider networks using probes embedded in the packet flow over the network. The Home Office seemed confident that this was technically possible. Other…

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NDAA bill currently before congress and some hope of defeating the bill. The American Congress are currently debating the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) bill that will allow indefinite detention of American citizens. This means that any United States Citizen accused of terrorism will be indefinitely imprisoned, meaning that the Homeland is becoming a third world police state. Will they get…

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CISPA bill still a threat and awesome Linux shell tricks.

The Internet is still under threat, the SOPA and CISPA bills are threatening the freedom of speech that we are enjoying at the moment. The elderly members of Congress do not truly understand the Internet and are only interested in shutting down the freedom of speech to better control the…

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Free speech on the Internet to be lost.

The Internet that we know that has free speech and freedom of expression as its keystone is due to be restricted with free speech under attack under the guise of protecting against piracy and pornography. But they really want to take away our freedom to say what ever we want…

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Internet Censorship bill.

The Internet Censorship bill will restrict access to many websites on the Internet and restrict Internet freedom in the name of protecting copyrighted material from theft, at least that is what they are saying, but it will have many far-reaching effects that will compromise freedom of speech and the enjoyment…

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