How to get Mac OS to read the .bashrc file on every login.

By default, Macintosh OSX does not read the .bashrc file when you login to the operating system. But it does read the .bash_profile script if it does exist. Therefore, create the .bash_profile in your home directory and put this in it. if [ -s ~/.bashrc ]; then source ~/.bashrc; fiif…

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Very useful .vimrc file for Linux users.

A very nice .vimrc file for any Linux user, this makes VI or VIM easier to use. " ~/.vimrc (configuration file for vim only) " skeletons function! SKEL_spec() 0r /usr/share/vim/current/skeletons/skeleton.spec language time en_US if $USER != ” let login = $USER elseif $LOGNAME != ” let login = $LOGNAME else…

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Very useful Linux files to setup your installation.

Linux configuration files Here are a few useful Linux configuration files to get your installation setup and working just fine. ~/.vimrc. This is to setup the VIM editor and make it easier to use for the average Linux user. " ~/.vimrc (configuration file for vim only) " skeletons function! SKEL_spec()…

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