How to use the command line to change GTK settings easily.

The settings used by the file chooser in MATE or Gnome can be changed easily with the command line. The gsettings utility makes this easy. This example will alter the Firefox file chooser, it will have directories listed first, in descending order, sorted by date modified. gsettings set org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser sort-column…

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Back up your home directory easily with this simple script.

Back up your home directory with this simple script. This will concatenate all of your files into one tar archive, then compress it into a gzipped file. Firstly, install the required applications. ┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[~/Documents] └─$ sudo apt install pv pigz┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[~/Documents] └─$ sudo apt install pv pigz This is the backup script…

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Unsecured websites are still a thing in November 2019.

It is still possible to find anything on the Internet. Backups of websites containing passwords and information. It is all out there, and not everyone is getting the message that this is a bad idea. This could be used to harvest e-mail addresses and decrypt passwords. Do not store website…

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Computer tape drives coming back to the computers of 2012.

Computer tape drives were all the rage in the early days of computing, with computer tape drives able to store massive amounts of data these days. The early computers used tape to store computer programs and information on reel to reel tapes that were on giant reels that were threaded…

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Viewing crontab and a backup script.

This is a command that will list the contents of your crontab file if you have one. You need to use the sudo command as unprivileged users are not allowed to list the contents of this folder. The best way to view the contents of your crontab file is to…

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