Green power policies in Australia are not the way to go.

The Australian government is going crazy. They want to implement green power policies that will result in rolling blackouts and dependence upon renewable energy solutions that are intermittent and not dependable for base load power in 2022. How will industry function with no power to run power-hungry machines? This is…

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Politicians still talking about banning encryption on the Internet.

Politicians are still talking about banning encryption on the Internet, this will allow them to monitor all communications that would otherwise be unreadable due to the encryption used, whether SSL or GPG encryption, but SSL is necessary for securing banking sites, validating a website so that the user knows that…

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Average Internet speeds in 1st quarter 2017.

Find more statistics at Statista This is the average of Internet speeds for the first quarter of 2017. Australia is lagging far behind other countries such as Asia. This is not good in 2017. Especially when the uptake of streaming services such as Netflix is rising. We need a faster…

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Privatization in the public sector, why is it necessary?

The global phenomenon of privatization was embraced around the world during the 1990s by all forms of government with disparate political aims, with Australia “setting the pace for privatization around the world” (Mead and Withers, 2002, p. 7). Privatization can defined as the “full or partial transfer of ownership of…

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Australian Internet is slower than Korea.

Updating the sources.lst as I write this, it is taking a long time, but I am using the Town Library connection with WIFI and it is only about 64K per second, so updating the aforementioned file with apt-get update takes quite a while to run. I wish Australia could get…

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