More evil scripts for Arma 3 trolling.

This script will spawn a cloud of mines around the player, this is a lot of fun to deal with. _source = eyepos player; _distance = 35;   for "_i" from 1 to 1000 do { _veh = createVehicle ["APERSMineDispenser_Mine_Ammo_Scripted", _source, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _pos = _source vectorAdd (vectorNormalized [(random…

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How to have random jukebox music playing in an Arma 3 mission.

This script in the initPlayerLocal.sqf will play a continuous jukebox of music in your Arma 3 mission. This is just like in Warlords where you have continuous background music. _null = [] spawn { _musicPool = "getText (_x >> ‘name’) != ” && getNumber (_x >> ‘duration’) > 20" configClasses…

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