How to resize objects in the Arma Reforger World Editor.

The World Editor in Arma Reforger allows a user to scale placed objects easily. This could be very useful for a deathmatch mission. You could scale up a building and then have the whole deathmatch take place inside the scaled building. This would be a lot of fun. In the…

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Arma Reforger is out now. This is a stress test game to test out the new Enfusion Engine before the Arma 4 game goes into production. But it runs very well. Framerates are better than with Arma 3 and the Enfusion engine does allow better detail in the map. Transitioning to swimming from walking…

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Very useful Arma 3 code for mods and missions.

A code sample that creates a weapon box with some ammo. Just change the class names to add a weapon of your choice to this box. class cfgVehicles { class Thing; class ThingX; class ReammoBox; class Strategic; class EAST_Box_Base; class NATO_Box_Base; class Railgun_Transport_Box: EAST_Box_Base { scope = 2; vehicleClass =…

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