The old web is vanishing.

The many websites I used to enjoy like forums are vanishing and are not all being archived. This is a pity, especially if the forums had various solutions on them that another forum does not have, then the information is lost forever. But this is the evolution of the Internet….

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Wikileaks Vault 7 treasure trove released.

The massive treasure trove of spying tools from the CIA has been released by the CIA. This contains many tools and documents that involve Samsung Smart TV devices, Android and Apple iPads. Nothing is safe it seems. The key for the archive is. SplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWindsSplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds This is the MD5 hash. b7220044795824900ace025184df8b2cb7220044795824900ace025184df8b2c…

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APT problems with Linux Mint 12. Is down?

I am having trouble accessing the APT repository at, I found out that if I changed it to I could access the repository again. This is very annoying though. You would expect to be able to access the repositories when ever you need to. But it works just…

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