Another way to get useful hardware information with dmidecode on Arch Linux.

Getting useful hardware information is very important on a Linux system. With Arch Linux, this is quite simple. Install dmidecode. [root@darkstar Downloads]# pacman -Sy dmidecode[root@darkstar Downloads]# pacman -Sy dmidecode This will query sysfs to return hardware information. This command will print the model name of the computer`s motherboard. [root@darkstar Downloads]#…

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Why Arch Linux?

Aside from the different desktop environments, you’ll run into, the biggest difference is the package manager. Arch’s package manager will let you download whatever you want and push out the latest updates very quickly. Apt, on the other hand, is much more conservative and restrictive. If you want the latest…

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Arch Linux developer stepping down and a new installer for Arch Linux.

The Arch Linux distribution developer Bartłomiej Piotrowski has stepped down as a developer for the venerable Linux distribution. This is after 10 years of service maintaining this Linux distribution. But nothing lasts forever and he did very good work maintaining the distro. In other news, the Arch Linux distribution is…

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Useful scripts for Arch Linux users.

This script will check for updates on an Arch Linux machine. This could be run as a daemon with CRON. #!/bin/bash export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus DISPLAY=:0 tmpdb=/tmp/checkup-db dbpath=/var/lib/pacman mkdir /tmp/checkup-db && ln -s "${dbpath}/local" "${tmpdb}" fakeroot — yay -Syyb "${tmpdb}" –logfile /dev/null updates="$(yay -Qub "${tmpdb}" 2>/dev/null)" [[ -n "$updates" ]] && notify-send…

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How to update package repositories on Arch Linux easily.

Updating Arch Linux does not need to be hard. I am using Arch labs and it is easy to update and configure. To update package repositories on Arch Linux, use this command. pacman -Syupacman -Syu List all packages that are no longer required on the system. pacman -Qdtpacman -Qdt Download…

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Some very useful Arch Linux tips and tricks.

Get a comprehensive listing of all Arch Linux pacman mirrors. curl -s -L "" 2>&1 | sed ‘s/^.//’ > mirrorlistcurl -s -L "" 2>&1 | sed ‘s/^.//’ > mirrorlist A simple script to update your mirror listing on your Arch Linux system. #!/bin/bash echo "Fetching new sorted mirrorlist…" curl -s…

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