Control which GTK theme a specific application uses on Linux.

This post will show you how to open a certain GTK application, like Gedit or Firefox, and force it to use a certain GTK theme. This example uses the Gedit editor. I am opening the editor using the BlackMATE theme. jason@Yog-Sothoth » ~ » $ env GTK_THEME="BlackMATE" /usr/bin/pluma   (pluma:5423):…

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Thermal paste application methods.

This video is a demonstration of thermal paste application methods with various brands. This will assist with application on your PC when installing a CPU.

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Useful way to practice SQL queries online in a web browser. This is an online phpMyAdmin installation that allows you to create databases and practice the administration of the phpMyAdmin system online for free. if you want to practice MySQL queries and do not want the hassle of installing a huge package like SQL server 2012 or MySQl; then this…

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