How to use Google Dorks to find usernames and passwords posted online.

Google Dorks can be very useful for finding user information posted online. This Google Dork will find logfiles and other things with usernames and passwords posted online. allintext:username filetype:logallintext:username filetype:log This will find putty information including server hostnames as well as usernames. A very good starting point. ext:reg “username=*” puttyext:reg…

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How to setup proper directory indexing in Apache.

To get proper directory indexing set up in a directory in your Apache webserver configuration, firstly, create a .htaccess file and paste the code below into it. Options +Indexes   HeaderName HEADER.html ReadmeName FOOTER.html   IndexIgnore .htaccess .??* *~ *# HEADER* FOOTER* README* RCS CVS *,v *,t *.incOptions +Indexes HeaderName…

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Windows 10 bash shell now better than ever before.

I have just installed the Windows 10 15025 build and the bash shell. I have to say that it works way better than earlier versions. The apt update and the apt upgrade commands worked straight away. And ping works now. The networking is greatly improved. This is a good asset…

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