Facebook news ban not the end of the world.

The ban on news in your Facebook feed is not the end of the world. There are countless other news websites that have news and information about what is going on in your neighborhood. So losing news on a Social Media site is a small thing. I am sure you…

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Linux distribution alternatives to Ubuntu.

There are many Linux distributions that are good alternatives to Ubuntu. This gives you more freedom of choice. Debian Live distribution. This is a nice way to try out some Debian goodness before installing on your system. Find some download links here: https://www.debian.org/CD/live/. Ubuntu is based on Debian anyway, so…

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Google ReCaptcha very annoying.

The Google ReCaptcha system is very frustrating to use. This is always letting me use it a bit, then preventing me from using a website, due to automated traffic, even though I am using the captcha properly. Why does this happen? That is why I like using Ubuntu 18. It…

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Good alternative to the Problem Steps Recorder for Windows.

The Windows Problem Steps Recorder can have issues with missing screenshots when you are attempting to record steps to document a process on Windows. The Imago steps recorder, available here: http://www.softsea.com/download/Imago-Recorder.html is a good alternative. This only creates a folder full of screenshots, but the area of the window clicked…

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Gnome 3.8 desktop to drop the gnome-fallback option.

The Gnome 3.8 desktop is planning to ship without the fallback desktop that allows the Gnome desktop to function on computers that do not have the minimum specifications required to use the Gnome 3 desktop. But obviously you can use either the Lxde or Xfce desktops if your machine does…

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Installing Ubuntu and alternatives to the Unity desktop.

Installing the Ubuntu distribution is very easy and provides a secure and stable alternative to the Microsoft Windows operating system. Firstly you need to make sure that you have enough free space on the selected hard drive that you are intending to install the Ubuntu distribution to. Resizing a Windows…

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