An alternative to the ls command to print a directory listing.

This is a good alternative to the ls command to print a directory listing. This is very useful for quickly viewing the contents of a directory. ┌─[jason@parrot]─[~/Documents] └──╼ $find ./ -printf "%f\n" ./ password-01.kismet.netxml password-01.cap read.c out.xml netcomm.txt a.out password-01.kismet.csv rockyou.txt password-01.csv mysql.txt notify.js┌─[jason@parrot]─[~/Documents] └──╼ $find ./ -printf "%f\n" ./…

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Built in ads in the Ubuntu Unity desktop? The future of Linux?

The Unity desktop for Ubuntu has a new feature. The placement of advertisements for items on Amazon related to the searches you perform with the Unity launcher. This is a new feature that will allow users of Linux to search for Amazon products as well as files and applications on…

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