How to get the developer mode working in Lost Alpha DC 1.4007

This is how to get this working in the latest Lost Alpha DC 1.4007. The instructions are here in Russian. But simply, edit the shortcut on your desktop to look like this. "E:\stalker\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. – Lost Alpha DC\Lost Alpha Configurator.exe" -developer"E:\stalker\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. – Lost Alpha DC\Lost Alpha Configurator.exe" -developer Add the…

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A first look at the Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal distribution.

The Ubuntu 12.10 Alpha has been released and I am taking a first look at this release. The new wallpapers are quite impressive, there is a nice Forbidden City wallpaper and many other lovely photographs gracing this release. The web browser is Firefox 14.0, and the music playback is taken…

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Ubuntu 12.04 Alpha released into the wilds.

The much awaited alpha version of the Ubuntu Linux distribution has been released. This version of Ubuntu comes with kernel 3.2.0-2.5, which is based on the latest mainline v3.2-rc3 kernel. The server release of the AMD64 version has been merged into the generic Ubuntu release to ease the burden of…

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windows 8 alpha leak september 2011.

The alpha build of Windows 8 has been leaked onto the world wide web. The previews are available here:, later today. They are incomplete developer builds, so do not expect to be able to install these and run your business or other critical applications, but they are perfect for…

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Fedora 16 Alpha released.

The Alpha release of Fedora Core 16 has been released with Gnome 3.1.4 and it is not impressing anyone so far, the Gnome 3/Unity desktop is a step backwards compared to the Gnome 2.30 desktop that it is gradually replacing. The CPU and graphics grunt required to work compared to…

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