Adding Adsense advertisements to a Pagelines WordPress theme.

The Pagelines Framework theme is an outstanding theme for the WordPress blogging software, and adding Adsense ad units is a good way to monetise your website. If you edit the wp-content/themes/pagelines/sections/content/section.php you may add an Adsense ad unit very easily. There are plugins for WordPress that allow you to add…

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Optimising your website for Google Adsense.

The Google Adsense advertising network is a very nice way to earn income from your website and also a good way to advertise your business online. As a publisher adding Google Adsense advertisements on your website to earn revenue from your website traffic and from the website visitors that click…

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Using Google Adsense to monetise your website.

If like me, you have a website and you are wanting to get more visitors and hopefully some more links back to your website, then read on. I use the Share-press plug-in for WordPress which will automatically share my posts with my Facebook page and it can also share with…

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