How to list all available WIFI access points with Linux.

Listing all available WIFI access points can be a hassle on Linux, but iwlist makes this very easy. It can be used to list verbose information about any WIFI access points that are near you. Used as root, it will list comprehensive information about each access point. Cell 08 -…

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How to enable sudo on your Linux system with the visudo command.

The visudo command for Linux allows a user to edit the sudoers file and change permissions for users on the system. Open the sudoers file this way. NEVER edit it with a standard text editor. ┌─[jason@neo]─[~] └──╼ $su Password: root@neo:/home/jason# visudo┌─[jason@neo]─[~] └──╼ $su Password: root@neo:/home/jason# visudo This is the result…

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How to use the runas command in Windows to elevate privileges.

The runas command in Windows allows a user to elevate their level of privileges to run a command as the Administrator user. The example below shows the usage of the runas command to open another cmd window as the Administrator user. C:\Users\mike\Documents\openvpn>runas /user:Scott\Dobbo cmd Enter the password for Scott\Dobbo: Attempting…

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