Just upgraded my Ubuntu 15.04 installation to kernel 4.0.

I have just upgraded my Linux installation to kernel 4.0. This new kernel brings me many benefits. One of those is that the radeon drivers finally work and I no longer need to install the kernel source and try and compile the ATI drivers that you download from the Internet….

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Very useful Powershell commands available in Powershell 4.0.

Some very useful Powershell 4.0 cmdlets that are now available. Get-FileHash this gets the SHA256 hash of a file. PS C:\Users\Homer\Desktop> Get-FileHash .\scammers.png   Algorithm Hash Path ——— —- —- SHA256 92E09BFBBAD2DF6E3FD329CB4AE5F15231AA12B869327706854F7DF9D106971B C:\Users\Homer\Desktop\scammers.pngPS C:\Users\Homer\Desktop> Get-FileHash .\scammers.png Algorithm Hash Path ——— —- —- SHA256 92E09BFBBAD2DF6E3FD329CB4AE5F15231AA12B869327706854F7DF9D106971B C:\Users\Homer\Desktop\scammers.png Save-Help This will download help…

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Linux in the movies and television. Some famous appearances.

In the television series “Heroes” a KDE desktop was spotted running the Kopete application. A screenshot below. This is a Mandriva distribution displaying part of the Kmix window and a live webcam application. We all know about the famous scene in the Matrix Reloaded where Trinity is cracking the Matrix…

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