Very useful Arma 3 code for mods and missions.

A code sample that creates a weapon box with some ammo. Just change the class names to add a weapon of your choice to this box. class cfgVehicles { class Thing; class ThingX; class ReammoBox; class Strategic; class EAST_Box_Base; class NATO_Box_Base; class Railgun_Transport_Box: EAST_Box_Base { scope = 2; vehicleClass =…

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Useful Arma 3 code samples to improve your missions.

This code will make your Arma 3 missions run much more smoothly. And provide some nice tricks to make the mission more enjoyable. Put this into the initPlayerLocal.sqf file. This will remove stamina and make weapon sway much more realistic, i.e no Micheal J Fox mode after running. player setCustomAimCoef…

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The Iron Man 3 movie showing off Sun Oracle server racks.

The Iron Man 3 movie showing off Sun Sparc server racks. This movie has some strange ideas about IP addresses; but the other things are pretty good. But this is obvious product placement. Below is a real Sun Oracle server for comparison with the server in the movie.

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