Youtube-dl automatic update not working.

The updates for youtube-dl do not work anymore on Ubuntu, but it can be updated manually. Download the script here: Then copy the script over the top of the existing one in /usr/bin and then make sure it has the executable flags 755. This is very easy. Download it…

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Very useful Ubuntu tips.

To get a nice warm screen color instead of a glaring white screen at night, use this very useful program. Redshift will remove blue light from your computer screen and then this will help with sleep. ┌─[jason@jason-desktop]─[/] └──╼ $sudo apt install redshift-gtk┌─[jason@jason-desktop]─[/] └──╼ $sudo apt install redshift-gtk Start Redshift from…

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Linux distribution alternatives to Ubuntu.

There are many Linux distributions that are good alternatives to Ubuntu. This gives you more freedom of choice. Debian Live distribution. This is a nice way to try out some Debian goodness before installing on your system. Find some download links here: Ubuntu is based on Debian anyway, so…

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How to download Tik Tik videos without using an app in 2020.

Tik Tok is a very useful website for sharing short-form videos online. But you cannot easily download videos unless you know how to. But there is a very useful trick to do this using Firefox. Just open a video then right-click on the video and then choose Inspect Element. Then…

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Stalker 2 game announced with new trailer.

The Stalker 2 game actually exists. This has been announced as an Xbox exclusive, this will include Strelok, the protagonist of the previous game, Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl, who also appears in Call of Pripyat and Clear sky. This might be a soft-reboot of the previous game or a completely…

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How to use Google Dorks to find usernames and passwords posted online.

Google Dorks can be very useful for finding user information posted online. This Google Dork will find logfiles and other things with usernames and passwords posted online. allintext:username filetype:logallintext:username filetype:log This will find putty information including server hostnames as well as usernames. A very good starting point. ext:reg “username=*” puttyext:reg…

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Focus more on security and safety in 2020.

The computing world will be just as it was in 2019, but the focus must still be on security. Too many people are ignoring security online and are becoming the victim of data theft and cybercrimes. If you have a website with important data on it, then do not store…

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Newt Gingritch promises moon base by 2020.

Newt Gingritch has promised a moon base for America by the year 2020. This is a bold promise by an American congressman with the country sinking into debt paying the trillion dollar cost of the Iraq war. The Republican presidential candidate has made the grandiose boast at a meeting with…

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