Facebook leaked data is not new.

The leaked Facebook data is from 2019, this has been passed around for a long time before this became public. Many accounts may not even be in this, it is nearly 3 years old now. There are 105 countries in this, not 106. But the point is that the data…

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Broadband in Australia is worse than Uganda.

The Australian Broadband Network is the envy of no one. This is terrible. Constant dropouts, and slow speeds are the norm in Australia. We could have had super fast Internet in Australia, but we got copper wires combined with some fiber connections. But the presence of a 1000 Mega Bits…

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More useful Internet searches for finding insecure websites. Google Dorks for 2019.

Find any Microsoft Frontpage website with the username and password exposed. This is amazingly stupid. intext:" -FrontPage-" ext:pwd inurl:(service | authors | administrators | users)intext:" -FrontPage-" ext:pwd inurl:(service | authors | administrators | users) This is an example. # -FrontPage- therose:WK7JNgYcDkzac# -FrontPage- therose:WK7JNgYcDkzac A Similar search. This also finds websites…

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Best WordPress plugins for 2019.

This is a selection of the best WordPress plugins for 2019. Akismet Anti-Spam This is the best way to stop spambots posting constant spam on your website. Having spam on your site cheapens it and makes it look unprofessional. This plugin protects your website without much need for intervention. Website:…

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