A look at the MATE desktop in Linux Mint 13.

A look at the MATE desktop in Linux Mint 13. I am showing how to remove and restore icons on the desktop and changing themes and icons. This desktop is laid out just like the Gnome 2.32.2 desktop was in Ubuntu 8.10. I like this desktop far more than the…

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Installing Virtualbox guest additions in Linux Mint 13.

I have installed a fresh copy of Linux Mint 13 in Virtualbox to experiment with and I needed to install the guest additions to enable full desktop resolutions and many other features. I downloaded the guest additions ISO from here: http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/4.2.0/ and then added it to Virtualbox as a CDROM…

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Some more nice themes for the Linux Mint 13 MATE desktop.

If you wish your Linux Mint MATE desktop to look like the Windows XP operating system from Redmond WA, then you only need to install these two themes into your ~/.themes folder and then select the XP Luna theme in the Preferences->Appearance window. I have my MATE desktop setup with…

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The VLC media player has been updated on Linux Mint 13.

The VLC media player has been updated on Linux Mint 13, I just ran sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and the new version of the VLC player was pushed out to me. The V4L part of the player has been fixed in the VLC media player 2.0.3 Twoflower release, you can now…

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Nice Cinnamon themes for Linux Mint 13 Maya.

Nice Cinnamon themes for Linux Mint 13 Maya. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=147807 Eleganse-Elementary dark themes for Cinnamon. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Mictlan+gnome+shell+%26+cinnamon+theme+?content=149542. Mictlan Gnome Shell and Cinnamon theme. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/GoldieBluez?content=150586. GoldieBluez Gnome & Cinnamon theme. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/GoldieBluez?content=150586. AnTaRtIkA Gnome Shell and Cinnamon theme. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Hacktivist+-+Cinnamon+Theme?content=148598. Hacktivist Cinnamon theme. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Elementary+Style+-+Gnome-Shell%2BCinnamon?content=145727. Elementary styled Gnome Shell and Cinnamon theme. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Smooth+Purple+-+Cinnamon+Theme?content=148725. Smooth Purple Cinnamon theme.

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Installing GNU Grub 2.00 on Linux Mint 13 Maya.

The new GNU Grub 2.00 has just been released with all new features and here is how to install it. Firstly, download the tarball from this mailing list post. https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/grub-devel/2012-06/msg00093.html. After unpacking the tarball, cd into the folder and type: ./configure –prefix=/usr./configure –prefix=/usr to run the configure script. You will…

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Using the Linux rename command and other useful commands for Linux Mint 13.

The rename command for the Linux shell allows you to rename a directory full of files en-mass. This first example, based on the examples in the rename manual page. Firstly renaming a directory full of xhtml files to the html extension. rename ‘s/\.xhtml$/.html/’ *.xhtmlrename ‘s/\.xhtml$/.html/’ *.xhtml And renaming a folder…

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Best window managers for a Linux desktop user.

https://linuxtyper.wordpress.com/2012/06/07/what-window-manager-should-i-use-part-5-icewm-and-conclusion/. There is an interesting discussion in five parts that is discussing what window manager is the best for your Linux desktop. I am using KDE 4.8.3 with the Metacity window manager. I got sick of using Compiz and I prefer the Metacity window manager instead. KDE 4.8.3 on Linux…

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