Useful BIOS Setup simulator. This is a good learning tool.

BIOS Setup emulator: This is a BIOS Setup simulator. This runs as a HTML page and this is a very interesting diversion as well as a learning tool. The computers BIOS or Basic Input Output System is stored on a CMOS chip with the settings stored with the power…

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How to install the unstable builds of Gnome Shell 3.7 in Ubuntu 12.10.

The Gnome Shell 3.6 builds are available for Ubuntu 12.10; but if you want to install the unstable builds of Gnome Shell 3.7 to test it out on your computer, then these commands will install it. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 #The GNOME3 team PPA</code>   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging #The GNOME3 staging…

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Magazines now available in the Ubuntu 12.10 dash search results.

The Ubuntu 12.10 dash now has magazines appearing in the online search results as well as the usual music albums and application packages available for download. This is a good thing if you are interested in purchasing a magazine and downloading it. I assume that the magazines are PDF copies…

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How to install and configure the Apache2 web server on Ubuntu 12.10.

The Apache2 web server is a very powerful and useful web server that is used to host websites all around the world. This is available for the Ubuntu 12.10 Linux distribution. To install this; type this command. sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 This command…

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My experiences using the Ubuntu 12.10 distribution on the desktop.

After my experiences with the installation of the Ubuntu 12.10 Linux distribution in Virtualbox; finding that even with the latest Virtualbox 4.22 release the Ubuntu 12.10 Unity desktop is still very slow; I have installed this distribution onto a 2 terabyte hard disk and I am currently downloading the fglrx…

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The Ubuntu 12.10 distribution has just been released. Quantal Quetzal is live!

The Ubuntu 12.10 distribution has just been released. Download a copy here: Despite the many problems experienced by users of the Unity desktop in the past it is developing, and is quite a usable desktop with a good search function that can find available packages in the software repositories…

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How to install the Linux Mint 13 MATE desktop in Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal.

This sequence of commands will install the Linux Mint 13 MATE desktop on Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal. [flynn@flynn-grid-runner Desktop]$ sudo add-apt-repository “deb quantal main” [flynn@flynn-grid-runner Desktop]$ sudo apt-get update [flynn@flynn-grid-runner Desktop]$ sudo apt-get install mate-archive-keyring [flynn@flynn-grid-runner Desktop]$ sudo apt-get update [flynn@flynn-grid-runner Desktop]$ sudo apt-get install mate-core [flynn@flynn-grid-runner Desktop]$ sudo…

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