How to enable the HTTP proxy in OpenSuse 12.3.

See the original page here: this is how to add a http proxy to OpenSUSE so that the zypper command will work correctly: Just add these lines to the /etc/sysconfig/proxy and then save and you should now be able to install software packages through the proxy with no problems….

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Using a Wacom graphics tablet on Ubuntu 12.10.

I have just tried a Wacom Bamboo tablet on my Ubuntu 12.10 machine and it worked perfectly. Using the tablet as a large touch pad to navigate the Gnome Shell desktop is quite fun indeed. You may use the touch pad to navigate the desktop and double tap on the…

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Installing gcc 4.7.0 from source on Linux Mint 12.

Install gcc from source on Linux Mint 12 After downloading the source tarball for the gcc 4.7.0 release, and unpacking the tarball, enter the source directory: cd gcc-4.7.0/cd gcc-4.7.0/ Then we need to create an empty folder under the gcc-4.7.0/ folder to perform the actual build. mkdir mintbuildmkdir mintbuild Then…

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Thoughts on Linux Mint 13 and Unity.

The Linux Mint 13 distribution will have a nicer desktop interface than the Ubuntu distribution that goes without saying; I have just loaded up Linux Mint 12 for a quick look at the Cinnamon desktop and it is very nice to use indeed, the hotspot at the top left of…

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Moving to Linux Mint & Wagga Wagga flood emergency.

I have got a Linux Mint Live DVD and I am switching to that distribution as soon as possible. I am sitting in an evacuation center right now, due to the risk of flooding, the levee banks supposedly can handle 12 meters but the river peak is said to be…

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