Microsoft putting anti Firefox ads in the start menu?

Microsoft is putting anti-Firefox ads on the start menu. This could be construed as anti-competitive practice. They want everyone to use Microsoft Edge instead of Firefox. I bet they hate Google Chrome as well. But their operating system is plagued by buggy horrible updates that always break key components like…

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Windows 8.1 still very annoying and insecure these days.

Windows 8.1 at the moment is giving me a lot of problems. There is constant disk activity at 0.1 megabytes per second. This is very annoying, there are Windows services doing this, but it only recently started. T think it is better to use Linux instead, which does not have…

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Experimenting with Sun Solaris 10 OS.

I have installed SUN Solaris 10 in a Virtual Machine. This is fun to experiment with. SUN Solaris Java Desktop System. This uses a very nice desktop theme. Once installed it only has the root account. But you can su to root and then run the smc command at the…

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Windows still having issues with updates in 2019.

Linux and Windows are continually in a state of competition, but the problem with Windows 10 is the update methods that create many and varied problems that should never even happen in the first place. The Linux and Macintosh operating systems do not have that many problems when upgrading. I…

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A method to try and fix the forced restarts in Windows 10.

The forced restarts in Windows 10 are very annoying when you are working on something and then your machine restarts in the middle of your work. There is a way to turn this off. To do this go to this folder. %windir%\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator%windir%\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator Rename the “Restart” file and create a folder…

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Windows 10 bash shell now better than ever before.

I have just installed the Windows 10 15025 build and the bash shell. I have to say that it works way better than earlier versions. The apt update and the apt upgrade commands worked straight away. And ping works now. The networking is greatly improved. This is a good asset…

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Windows 10 nag screen close button was starting the upgrade.

The Windows 10 nag screen was using a dirty trick that involved having the close button to start the installation. This is very annoying, firstly, you click the upgrade now button and it starts the upgrade, but now the close button was starting the upgrade? That is one dirty trick…

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Windows 10 bash shell unimpressive to say the least.

The much-hyped Windows 10 bash shell is quite underwhelming to say the least. This is good as an SSH client and to browse the web using Lynx, but ping and ifconfig do not work at all. I could not get the MySQL server running either. This is what I get…

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Location of the filesystem that the Windows 10 bash shell uses.

Location of the Windows 10 bash shell files This is the location of the actual files that are installed when you install the Windows 10 bash shell. This means that it is not really a ext4 filesystem, but emulating this when you load it up in a CMD window. %localappdata%\lxss\rootfs%localappdata%\lxss\rootfs…

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Windows 10 bash shell not very impressive at all.

The new Windows 10 bash shell is not very impressive once you get it installed. I have tried it and I could not ping websites even though Microsoft Edge could access the Internet. It is possible to install packages if these lines are added to the /etc/hosts file.…

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