Posted: 28 September 2020. At: 9:55 AM. This was 4 years ago. Post ID: 14667
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Windows XP source code has been leaked. This is not good for anyone still using it.

A screenshot of Windows XP code building.
A screenshot of Windows XP code building.

The source code for Windows XP has been leaked, this means that any exploits still in the code are out in the open for all to see. Apparently a lot of things have been discovered already. Windows XP included an old, but non-functional theme called “Candy”, this was a Macintosh OSX styled theme. I guess they had reasons to not finish this theme file, but it would have been nice to have. Solitare and cards.dll have been compiled with custom artwork, this would lead to an open-source version of Windows XP whether Microsoft wants it or not. The only problem is where would you host the stolen code for Windows XP? But I am sure that they will work something out. They will be releasing “updated” versions of Windows XP soon, but you would have no idea what they have done to the code. This would be worse than the Windows XP Black Edition that is going around. The code is compiling apparently, but building an actual ISO image will take quite some time. This is very interesting, would be great to see an ARM port of Windows XP. But this does mean, as I said, that it is time to stop using XP.

Move on to another operating system and finally update. Or use Linux for servers that are hosting things. Even client machines should be running a more up to date OS to enable modern updates and a more secure environment. The only thing I would do is remove the CD key part of the installation and enable installing without one. But this does mean that ReactOS will be audited constantly to check that they are not using any of the leaked code. This is going to be quite a ride. But if they can get the code compiling reliably and change things, then all power to them. But they are gonna get hounded by Microsoft for this if they do it. They would have to host the files on TOR. It is interesting that the wallpapers folder has different colored Windows XP wallpaper files. The different versions of Windows XP use different default wallpaper files. But the server edition just uses a plain Windows XP grey wallpaper. That makes sense. And you do not have MSN Messenger on a server product. But it is possible apparently to install Windows Media Player 11 on Windows XP.

I have uploaded the hidden Windows XP themes here: These are the Mallard and Candy themes. Apparently, building the code requires setting the date to 1/08/2003. This is not hard if you have access to the BIOS. There are attempts to build the source code for the ARM architecture. The Rasberry Pi has a 1.2 GHz ARM Cortex-A53 CPU and would run Windows XP very well. This would be a very entertaining project.

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