Posted: 9 October 2018. At: 10:49 AM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12560
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Windows 10 deleting user files. This really is embarrassing for Microsoft.

The new Windows 10 update includes a feature that auto deletes user`s important files. This is very embarrassing, this does protect sensitive files from the prying eyes of the NSA, but it is not good if your prized wedding photos are deleted. It consistently amazes me that people do not make backups or have redundant copies of their important files. Like I feel bad for people who have a natural disaster occur and lose their backups (not everyone has the resources for an offsite backup of large amounts of data) but for petes sake, photos? Are you telling me that you seriously only had those on your PCs and nowhere else? No sympathy. If you don’t make backups I have absolutely no sympathy for you. Windows breaking is no different from any other accidental data loss such as failed hard drive or electrical fault. It is no different. You should have backed it up. You can get a 2 Terabyte external hard drive from the local shop and then back up your data. That is very easy to do, only retarded people do not back up such important data as photos and documents. Why would a user not backup any files that meant something to them?

When a cheap 2 terabyte HDD or archival quality disks would allow them to burn the files and then store them away safely. Microsoft cannot even get anything right anymore. This is why I will never run Windows 10. It is too insecure and unreliable. Apparently, this is the 1809 update that can cause this issue, just back up all of your stuff to an external drive and you are set. If your stuff is deleted, just remove the drive and mount it read-only with mount(1) command on a Linux machine and then run Testdisk or other Linux file recovery software to recover the lost files. This should be able to get the files back, but as soon as the file deletion is noticed, you would have to switch off the machine immediately and then use the file recovery method described above. That would work very well for recovering lost files on a Windows machine. Microsoft have acknowledged this issue and are working on a fix to their monumental stuff up. I am sure that this or something similar will happen again. Even Microsoft do not know what all of the source code in Windows does. They keep stuffing up.

I wonder if all of the Windows 10 problems could affect the Microsoft share price. This could happen I guess, anything is possible.

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