Posted: 28 August 2018. At: 9:27 PM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12385
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New Windows `95 Electron app released. This is pretty good.

There is a new desktop application for us Linux users, an Electron image of the Windows `95 operating system. This is fun to play with, but I am not sure how to get networking running in the sense that you would on Windows 7. I cannot seem to get a LAN connection running, only a dial up connection when using the setup option in Internet Explorer.

Download the Ubuntu deb here:

Install the package this way.

jason@Yog-Sothoth » Desktop » $ sudo dpkg -i windows95-linux_1.3.0_amd64.deb

I had an issue with the libgconf2-4 package on Ubuntu 18, but I got it sorted using Synaptic. This very interesting app does work well, but I would like to try and see what the Internet looks like with Internet Explorer 3.0. I bet nothing would work well at all. I tried to install TCP/IP and it did not work.

Running Windows `95 in a window on a modern Gnome desktop.
Running Windows `95 in a window on a modern Gnome desktop.

But you can play Solitare and explore the operating system. I think it would be better to use Qemu or VMware to run Windows `95 instead of this. Then you can add the CD and install required drivers. This does not work very well at all. Windows `95 is fun to play with for 5 minutes, then you realize how useless it is. But you would be better off installing MSDOS in VMWare and then installing Doom. Would be more fun than this. I even installed DOS in a Hyper-V client once and it worked a treat. Windows `95 is best left in the past to be honest. The good thing is that you can reset the machine if you corrupt it as I did when trying to install networking drivers.

Internet Explorer 3.0 in Windows `95.
Internet Explorer 3.0 in Windows `95.

Internet Explorer 3.0 runs but is no use without the TCP/IP drivers. Still, being able to see what an old version of Windows looked like is nice, and you can play the games that came with this old release. Sadly, no Monster Truck Madness is included. There is a text file in the recycle bin but I could not make sense of it. Give this a go, but Windows `95 is boring.

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