Posted: 29 August 2018. At: 9:57 AM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12389
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Very useful bash PS1 prompts.

A very colorful example that will really stand out.

4.4 Wed Aug 29 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $

Here is the code for this example.

export PS1="\[\033[38;5;39m\]\v\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;15m\] \[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;83m\]\d\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;15m\] \[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;201m\]\u\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;196m\]@\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;51m\]\H\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;15m\] \[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;82m\]\l\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;15m\]: \\$ \[$(tput sgr0)\]"

This is a nice monochrome example. This is more restrained.

-09:27:42-- jason@Yog-Sothoth [~]$

and this is the code for this example.

PS1="-\t-- \u@\h [\w]\$ "

More information on setting up your shell here.

This is another example with color.

09:32:12 jason@Yog-Sothoth ~ $ 

it is very good to use if the user wishes to make it stand out from the shell output, but not to be as garish as my first example.

PS1='\t \e[0;35m\u\e[m@\h \W \$ '

There are a couple more examples on this page.

How to have a bash prompt that changes when the user is in a certain folder.

Use a bash prompt that is randomly generated every time it appears.

These tips should really help out a Linux user that is needing to customize their Linux environment to suit a particular use case. Or just for fun.

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