Posted: 4 May 2018. At: 9:32 AM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12083
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Very cool Linux text processing tricks.

Align all text right on an 80 column width.

jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~/Documents$ ls -hula | sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,80\}$/ &/;ta'
                                                                       total 872K
                                    drwxr-xr-x  2 jason jason 4.0K May  4 08:48 .
                                   drwxr-xr-x 23 jason jason 4.0K May  3 20:51 ..
           -rw-r--r--  1 jason jason 848K Apr 21 13:01 altis_insurgency_altis.pbo
                  -rwxrwxr-x  1 jason jason  166 Apr 22 12:22 rhsafrf.0.4.5.bikey
                  -rwxrwxr-x  1 jason jason  166 Apr 22 12:22 rhsgref.0.4.5.bikey
                   -rwxrwxr-x  1 jason jason  165 Apr 22 12:22 rhssaf.0.4.5.bikey
                  -rwxrwxr-x  1 jason jason  166 Apr 22 12:22 rhsusaf.0.4.5.bikey

Add a paragraph break after every 5 lines of output. This could make it more readable.

jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~/Documents$ ls -hula | sed '0~5G'
total 872K
drwxr-xr-x  2 jason jason 4.0K May  4 08:48 .
drwxr-xr-x 23 jason jason 4.0K May  3 20:51 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 jason jason 848K Apr 21 13:01 altis_insurgency_altis.pbo
-rwxrwxr-x  1 jason jason  166 Apr 22 12:22 rhsafrf.0.4.5.bikey
-rwxrwxr-x  1 jason jason  166 Apr 22 12:22 rhsgref.0.4.5.bikey
-rwxrwxr-x  1 jason jason  165 Apr 22 12:22 rhssaf.0.4.5.bikey
-rwxrwxr-x  1 jason jason  166 Apr 22 12:22 rhsusaf.0.4.5.bikey

Add a set of commas to a long numeric string to make it more readable.

jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:/usr/share/backgrounds$ echo 1423765347 | sed ':a;s/\B[0-9]\{3\}\>/,&/;ta'

Print a list of the most-used words in a text file. This could be very useful to someone indeed. This also prints a number next to each word that tells the user how many times it appeared.

jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~/Documents$ awk '{for(w=1;w<=NF;w++) print $w}' pg768.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 20
   3983 the
   3885 and
   3225 to
   2976 I
   2141 of
   2089 a
   1407 he
   1310 in
   1223 his
   1180 you
   1163 her
    993 was
    983 that
    982 she
    926 my
    851 as
    796 not
    770 with
    761 it

This will also do the same thing. This is one hell of a one-liner. It gives different values though…

jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~/Documents$ perl -n -e 'foreach ${k} (split(/\s+/)){++$h{$k}};END{foreach $l (keys(%h)){print "$h{$l}: ${l}\n"}}' pg768.txt | sort -n -k 1 | tail -n 20
813: for
816: it
824: with
869: not
896: as
1023: my
1058: that
1063: she
1075: was
1265: her
1267: you
1353: his
1391: in
1518: he
2297: a
2312: of
3215: I
3506: to
4255: and
4431: the

The SSH command has been run 4 times before according to this simple one-liner.

jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~$ grep -c "ssh" .bash_history

Translate all spaces in a text-file into backspaces…

jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~/Documents$ tr -s ' ' '\b' < pg768.txt  | head -n 10

Change all instances of ‘or’ to ‘co’. This makes it barely readable.

jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~/Documents$ tr -s 'or' 'co' < pg768.txt  | head -n 10
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