Posted: 19 June 2018. At: 10:39 AM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12181
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Very annoying things that happen when using WordPress.

I hate it when a plugin author updates their plugin and upon updating it, you get a PHP error that prevents you from running your website, necessitating that you log into your Cpanel to fix the problem. That is great. Why can they not test the plugin first before deploying it to the download page? That would save a lot of problems. This should be handled better when uploading a new version of a critical plugin that the developer wants people to actually use. But this does happen. Annoying as it is. Just deleting the plugin and forgetting about it is the best way to handle this. Keeping a website running smoothly is more important than some useless plugin. Development of a program or plugin does/should involve many hours of testing to see that it does work like it should. Xmapp on Windows or Apache on Linux allows running WordPress, this would allow testing the plugin in a live environment to see if it really works as intended, and the developer should always have the latest WordPress versions to test the plugin against. That would be good. Another band practice in development is adding more and more features to the program; making more and more flashy GUI elements and forgetting about the end user. Rather like Gnome Shell or Windows 10.

That is not how development went in the old days. That is why my Windows partition is not Windows 10. I find it more demanding than older versions, and it restarts for updates when it feels like. Windows 8.1 does it when you shut down, which is convenient. That does not get in the way of anything, just leave the machine and it will switch off eventually. The new Youtube layout is annoying, I prefer to use Youtube+ on Firefox, but it is randomly disabled due to a UI update on the Youtube website. I really hate that. This is something that I have to get used to. This old version of Youtube was very usable. Very clean and sleek. Nowadays they cram more and more code into a website. This is not a good thing is it? Here is another screenshot. Look how sleek and usable this is. The options on the right allow the user to copy an embed link. it does not get any easier than this. There should be a plugin for Firefox that gives us this Youtube layout back.

There used to be an option that would appear when the “Restore Classic Youtube” option under your channel menu was opened to restore the old layout, but I do not have this anymore.

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