Posted: 15 October 2020. At: 9:21 AM. This was 4 years ago. Post ID: 14709
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Ubuntu is very good for working with multimedia files.

The Ubuntu Linux distribution is very good for working with multimedia files. I insert a flash drive with an AVCHD file on it and it is automatically opened as a folder. This makes it very easy to extract the video files inside. This is even more convenient than on Mac OSX. There are ways to extract the files from the AVCHD container using FFmpeg, but modern Linux makes this far too easy. The only thing is that I cannot see the original AVCHD file as it is shown as a folder. But this is such a quality of life enhancement for a modern Linux distribution. This is why Linux is getting better and better all the time. Many small improvements add up to a great whole. I mean, why display just the container file when you can show the contents? That makes perfect sense in my book. The only other thing that the Linux desktop needs is the ability to right-click on an ISO image and then mount it to a folder under /media. This would be just like Windows. Then it would be even better. That is a missing feature that we really need. Sure, you can mount an ISO image as a loopback filesystem, but I want to be able to mount it without needing the command line and complicated commands. That would be very helpful.

Mounting an ISO image on Linux.
Mounting an ISO image on Linux. Using MATE ISO mounter.

Actually, it turns out that you can with the MATE desktop. There is a MATE Disk Image Mounter, this can mount an ISO as a folder easily. So this is taken care of as well. This goes to show how good the Ubuntu MATE desktop really is. I right-clicked a Solaris installation ISO and it was mounted to the file manager as a bunch of folders. This makes extracting files very easy. Desktop Linux is getting better and better as time goes on and more and more features are added. Is this why Windows is turning into Linux? Microsoft may be replacing the Windows NT kernel with the Linux kernel. They might be attempting to replace Linux with Windows and then extinguish the Linux project as a whole. Is this the plan they have for the future? We will have to wait and see. But why is Windows 10 so buggy? They are taking in so many suggestions from the Windows using community but yet the resulting operating system is buggy as hell.

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