Posted: 17 September 2018. At: 8:47 PM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12449
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The KDE Trinity desktop has all of the classic themes.

The KDE Trinity desktop has all of the good themes that users of KDE 2.2 would remember.

Some nice KDE themes available for the KDE Trinity desktop.
Some nice KDE themes available for the KDE Trinity desktop.

These are great themes, there was another KDE theme I miss from the olden days. It was a stone look-alike theme that was very nice, but I cannot find it on the Internet. It is great that modern Linux distributions can make use of such an old codebase. Even KDE 1 is coming back. There is a project to bring the KDE 1 codebase to a modern Linux distribution. That would mean we would have a very old Linux desktop environment running on modern systems. read about this here: The future of Linux looks very bright if we can get old Linux desktops like KDE 2 running on a modern computer, the Trinity desktop runs very well indeed. I recommend installing it and giving it a try. The screenshot below shows what the Trinity desktop gives you in terms of appearance and appeal. This does look very nice. The classic old wallpaper and the classic theme makes it stand out. I wish I had the theme in this screenshot though, it is really bugging me, I will find it eventually.

A nice Trinity desktop themed to look just like KDE 2.2..
A nice Trinity desktop themed to look just like KDE 2.2..

But this is only a matter of time, Debian 3.1 had an old version of KDE. I could install that and see what the theme was. In this old screenshot of Debian, I am running KDE and it looks very sleek and usable, modern versions of KDE are adding way too much eye-candy and bloat. This is what it should look like, a nice and clean desktop ready for use. Very old Linux utilities like Electric Eyes are very nice, but they are not able to be compiled on Linux now. I wish they could be brought back for a new generation of Linux users. But it is good to have an alternative to modern bloated desktop environments. That is why Linux is so good.

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