Posted: 22 October 2018. At: 10:48 AM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12611
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Tcsh tricks and tips.

Print a lost of information about your current terminal using the tcsh shell and a nice command.

Yog-Sothoth:~> telltc
	Tcsh thinks your terminal has the
	following characteristics:
	It has 217 columns and 55 lines
	It has a meta key
	It can not use tabs
	It has automatic margins
	It has magic margins
	                     send cursor end (@7) == ^[OF
	                  add new blank line (al) == ^[[L
	                        audible bell (bl) == ^G
	                     clear to bottom (cd) == ^[[J
	                clear to end of line (ce) == ^[[K
	                 cursor to horiz pos (ch) == ^[[%i%p1%dG
	                        clear screen (cl) == ^[[H^[[2J
	                  delete a character (dc) == ^[[P
	                       delete a line (dl) == ^[[M
	                   start delete mode (dm) == (empty)
	                     end delete mode (ed) == (empty)
	                     end insert mode (ei) == ^[[4l
	             cursor from status line (fs) == (empty)
	                         home cursor (ho) == ^[[H
	                    insert character (ic) == (empty)
	                   start insert mode (im) == ^[[4h
	                      insert padding (ip) == (empty)
	                   sends cursor down (kd) == ^[OB
	                    send cursor home (kh) == ^[OH
	                   sends cursor left (kl) == ^[OD
	                  sends cursor right (kr) == ^[OC
	                     sends cursor up (ku) == ^[OA
	                          begin bold (md) == ^[[1m
	                      end attributes (me) == ^[[0m
	                 begin reverse video (mr) == ^[[7m
	               non destructive space (nd) == ^[[C
	                        end standout (se) == ^[[27m
	                      begin standout (so) == ^[[7m
	               cursor to status line (ts) == (empty)
	                       cursor up one (up) == ^[[A
	                     begin underline (us) == ^[[4m
	                       end underline (ue) == ^[[24m
	                        visible bell (vb) == ^[[?5h$<100/>^[[?5l
	               delete multiple chars (DC) == ^[[%p1%dP
	                cursor down multiple (DO) == ^[[%p1%dB
	               insert multiple chars (IC) == ^[[%p1%d@
	                cursor left multiple (LE) == ^[[%p1%dD
	               cursor right multiple (RI) == ^[[%p1%dC
	                  cursor up multiple (UP) == ^[[%p1%dA

This shows the current size of the terminal in columns and lines, as well as information about the shortcut keys available.

This very useful .csh file will also work with tcsh and give the user a better shell and completion features as well.

This is the prompt it will give you.


How to prevent a file from being overwritten using the tcsh shell on Linux.

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