Posted: 15 August 2018. At: 10:47 AM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12327
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Stupid scammers running an obviously fake website. This is hilarious.

Fake scam website that purports to be Microsoft.
Fake scam website that purports to be Microsoft.

This is a scam website that purports to be Microsoft. This is very funny. When you call your webpage “Microsoft Official Support” to make the virus you’re peddling sound legit, but your URL is an encrypted subdomain of This is the funniest thing ever, sure on the `phone this could seem legitimate, but it is not when you have a site mirrored from the website with wget or some other website mirroring product and then create simple Javascript to pretend you are actual Microsoft support, and there are scripts/programs on Windows that alert the user to system issues by visiting a certain website. But many people do fall for this stuff. That is the essence of penetrating into a system, or an organization. A user can pretend to be an employee that has lost his/her login details and can attempt to impersonate the employee and gain entry into a system from the outside. That is what this website is trying to do. By impersonating Microsoft, they are hoping someone will be dumb enough to fall for such an obvious scam. They could have bought a proper domain name like and that would seem more legit.

Mobile number scam, you are a winner!
Mobile number scam, you are a winner!

But if they are targeting people who are too dumb to check the URL, then I guess they might get someone. Even mobile `phone users get scammed, this is a scam that is going around at the moment. I do not even live in the UK. Why am I getting this? But this is a thing. That is why so many elderly people are ripped off by these scams. They think they can get easy money, especially with investments; then they lose a lot of money. If a reader of this site happens to be a Cisco certified network engineer or a Microsoft certified Systems Engineer, then it would be fun to make a KVM virtual machine and then play along with the scammer whilst recording it for the lulz. That would make an awesome video. Here is an example.

This guy plays along with the scammer and really has fun with her. That is why the scammers exist. To make cool videos for Youtube. This is the website that she tells him to visit., this website seems to be a legit site though, it is registered by LogMeIn, Inc and the domain was registered in 2003. But it is just misused sometimes to scam users. It is legitimate and useful though for technical support use.

BTW, this is how to spawn a fake technical support popup on Linux. This would be a fun prank to play.

notify-send "Critical system error! Contact technical support immediately. Call 1-800-197-123 for prompt technical support." -i /usr/share/icons/gnome/32x32/emblems/emblem-urgent.png

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