Posted: 15 November 2021. At: 9:16 AM. This was 3 years ago. Post ID: 15602
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Some very old but nice UNIX bitmap wallpapers.

This old archive is a collection of very old UNIX bitmap wallpapers.

These should be quite useful if you wish to set up a retro desktop and wish to have a retro tiling wallpaper as well.

The bitmaps collection, these look very nice.
The bitmaps collection, these look very nice.

Also, I have a nice collection of all Windows `98 wallpapers. That should also be very useful when setting up a classic styled Linux desktop. They look very cool and would be fun to use on a modern desktop.

These are great to have in your collection, they are a part of history.

And finally, a collection of Windows Vista icons that work with the Linux Mint MATE desktop:

That would work very well and look awesome.

Windows `98 is shutting down...
Windows `98 is shutting down…

The image to the right should be very familiar if you have ever used Windows `98 before. it involved a lot of reboots to get everything working right.

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