Posted: 30 April 2021. At: 2:39 PM. This was 3 years ago. Post ID: 15053
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Pipewire audio system to take over from Pulseaudio and Jack.

The pipe wire system is a new audio system that is taking over from Pulseaudio in Fedora 34. This is also in Ubuntu 21.04. This is a superior audio system and also replaces the Jack audio system. I hope this is a low latency system and gives better performance. Pulseaudio has its fair share of issues and needs replacement with something better. Instead of having multiple audio systems on Linux, we only need one that works just fine with any audio device, as long as it has driver support. That will make using Linux easier.

The pw-cli command will allow a user to get information about a Pipewire instance.

Below is an example.

john@john-virtual-machine:~/Desktop$ pw-cli info all

This is an example of the very comprehensive information you can get with the pw-cli utility.

pipewire-0>>info all
	id: 0
	permissions: rwxm
	type: PipeWire:Interface:Core/3
	cookie: 2049154167
	user-name: "john"
	host-name: "john-virtual-machine"
	version: "0.3.24"
	name: "pipewire-0"
*	properties:
* = "pipewire.conf"
*		link.max-buffers = "16"
*		core.daemon = "true"
* = "pipewire-0"
*		clock.power-of-two-quantum = "true"
*		default.clock.rate = "48000"
*		default.clock.quantum = "1024"
*		default.clock.min-quantum = "32"
*		default.clock.max-quantum = "8192"
* = "640"
* = "480"
* = "25"
* = "1"
*		mem.warn-mlock = "false"
*		mem.allow-mlock = "true"
*		cpu.max-align = "32"
* = "0"
	id: 1
	permissions: rwxm
	type: PipeWire:Interface:Module/3
	name: "libpipewire-module-rtkit"
	filename: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pipewire-0.3/"
	args: "{
            #nice.level   = -11
            #rt.prio      = 88
            #rt.time.soft = 200000
            #rt.time.hard = 200000

Use the help command to show available options.

Available commands:
	help                	Show this help
	load-module         	Load a module. <module-name> [<module-arguments>]
	unload-module       	Unload a module. <module-var>
	connect             	Connect to a remote. [<remote-name>]
	disconnect          	Disconnect from a remote. [<remote-var>]
	list-remotes        	List connected remotes.
	switch-remote       	Switch between current remotes. [<remote-var>]
	list-objects        	List objects or current remote. [<interface>]
	info                	Get info about an object. <object-id>|all
	create-device       	Create a device from a factory. <factory-name> [<properties>]
	create-node         	Create a node from a factory. <factory-name> [<properties>]
	destroy             	Destroy a global object. <object-id>
	create-link         	Create a link between nodes. <node-id> <port-id> <node-id> <port-id> [<properties>]
	export-node         	Export a local node to the current remote. <node-id> [remote-var]
	enum-params         	Enumerate params of an object <object-id> <param-id>
	set-param           	Set param of an object <object-id> <param-id> <param-json>
	permissions         	Set permissions for a client <client-id> <object> <permission>
	get-permissions     	Get permissions of a client <client-id>
	dump                	Dump objects in ways that are cleaner for humans to understand [short|deep|resolve|notype] [-sdrt] [all|Core|Module|Device|Node|Port|Factory|Client|Link|Session|Endpoint|EndpointStream|<id>]

Pipe wire supports multi-core processing as well as sandboxing applications while still allowing audio playback. This is a step forward for Linux desktops. This allows simple and fast audio playback and reliable configuration of new devices. Just like on Windows, you do not need to worry about whether you are using Pulseaudio or Jack, it just works. And that is what Linux needs. Reliable and fast audio support.

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