Posted: 14 March 2017. At: 10:37 PM. This was 7 years ago. Post ID: 10348
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New Russian Linux distribution to compete with Windows server.

There is a new Russian Linux distribution available. Astra Linux is designed to offer the services required by an office. It has directory server services available and a Windows styled desktop.

Astra Linux installer boot screen.
Astra Linux installer boot screen.

The Astra Linux installer is essentially the Debian installer, and therefore is very easy to use. There is an option for English during installation, but there are only Russian time-zones available. But this could be fixed after installation if you do not live in Soviet Russia.

Astra Linux has an Active Directory server option.
Astra Linux has an Active Directory server option.

The Astra Linux desktop is called “Fly” and looks just like KDE 3.4. This is great actually. It has a dated look, but this is fast and very usable. More than I can say for the Ubuntu Unity desktop.

Astra Linux desktop environment.
Astra Linux desktop environment.

The file manager for Astra Linux looks exactly like the file manager in Windows 7. This is part of the dedicated approach to a Windows replacement desktop environment, this is something that could be a desktop or a server operating system.

Astra Linux file manager.
Astra Linux file manager.

The distribution has increased security options that are select-able during the installation, as well as directory clients and the aforementioned directory server options. This would mean that a network could be created with the machines in a directory forest all talking to each other. This means that Russia wants to gain independence from Microsoft software and have their own secure operating system. Firefox is the main web browser, and the GNU Image Manipulation Program for editing photos. This distro even comes with Audacity and VLC for editing and playing media respectively. A very good desktop OS.

Astra Linux GRUB splash screen.
Astra Linux GRUB splash screen.

Download the Astra Linux distribution here:

Direct links:

Install this in VMWare or Virtualbox and give this a try. It is certainly different to Ubuntu. I am not sure if Ubuntu has a version that can install a directory server.

Astra Linux lock screen.
Astra Linux lock screen.

Even the Astra Linux lock screen is pretty. LibreOffice is included for editing documents, as well as a dictionary application and text editor. The lock screen is very easy to use. When you click to enter your password, the on-screen keyboard pops up. A very nice touch. But why does Google say the website may be hacked? What does Google have against Russia?

Why does Google say this?
Why does Google say this?

But I am liking this Linux distro. I might install this on my laptop to replace Windows 10. This is just what I have been looking for, and is a great Windows alternative. If this is good enough for the Soviet military, this is good enough for me.

4 thoughts on “New Russian Linux distribution to compete with Windows server.

  1. Is it okay if Astra Linux is the first Linux that I use? I having been using windows for 10 years, like WinXP, Win7, Win8/8.1 and now Win10. Currently I am using Win10 LTSC. And I was thinking of switching to Linux for some time now. And after months of searching on the internet, I finally think that there is an OS which doesnt look too different from Windows and also runs very smoothly, securely. But, I want to know, will the gaming performance be like that of other Linux Distros?

  2. I am already testing it, it looks nice and it uses linux kernel 4.15.xx
    It has everything you might ever need, and if its not installed, you can do it yourself, its debian 9, so it uses .deb packages and apt and /or dpkg so additional packages are not hard to install.

    P.D. WHY use windows? when there is Linux available, faster better than ANY Windows version ever, specially windows 10/ MS Owns your files and data.

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