Posted: 28 October 2019. At: 9:12 AM. This was 5 years ago. Post ID: 13699
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Interesting bash scripting trick. Delete lines from a file.

This is an interesting bash scripting trick. This allows deleting the first 10 lines from a text file, but keeping the rest of the file instead of deleting it.

# read the file, line by line
while read -r line; do
    # add current line to array
    # (you can modify this to do whatever you want)
    # delete first line in file
    sed -i "1,1 d" $file
    # decrement X
    : $((X--))
    # if it reached 0, break out of the loop
    ((X<1)) && break
done < $file

Use it on a text file and then it will work on the file, but not delete it. I guess this could be useful, iterating through files and deleting the contents. So this is a good example of bash scripting.

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