Posted: 1 June 2018. At: 12:22 PM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12141
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How to use rsync to list filenames in a directory on a remote Linux server.

The rsync command with the –list-only parameter allows the user to list filenames on a remote machine.

But by default, it looks like this.

jason@Yog-Sothoth » ~ » $ rsync --list-only jason@
jason@'s password: 
drwxr-xr-x          4,096 2018/05/09 09:49:49 .
-rw-r--r--        867,863 2018/04/19 12:44:56 altis_insurgency_altis.pbo
-rw-rw-r--        681,638 2018/05/04 09:03:16 pg768.txt
-rwxrwxr-x            166 2018/01/17 09:48:52 rhsafrf.0.4.5.bikey
-rwxrwxr-x            166 2018/01/17 09:40:34 rhsgref.0.4.5.bikey
-rwxrwxr-x            165 2018/01/17 09:40:32 rhssaf.0.4.5.bikey
-rwxrwxr-x            166 2018/01/17 09:45:58 rhsusaf.0.4.5.bikey

But by adding an awk one-liner that accepts a pipe, this can be filtered out. Now it can look like the example below.

jason@Yog-Sothoth » ~ » $ rsync --list-only jason@ | awk '{ $1=$2=$3=$4=""; print substr($0,5); }'
jason@'s password: 

This gives our network user the ability to filter out unwanted detail and avoid information overload. This is a very, very useful networking trick, this is good for keeping track of what files are on a remote server.

This example below, shows how to run a command on the remote machine after the previous command completes. In this example, I am running the ps command on the remote machine to get information about the running processes.

jason@Yog-Sothoth » ~ » $ rsync --list-only jason@ | awk '{ $1=$2=$3=$4=""; print substr($0,5); }' ; ssh 'ps'
jason@'s password: 
[email protected]'s password: 
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
 1045 ?        00:00:00 systemd
 1046 ?        00:00:00 (sd-pam)
 1050 ?        00:00:00 fluxbox
 1107 ?        00:00:00 ssh-agent
 1110 ?        00:00:00 dbus-launch
 1111 ?        00:00:00 dbus-daemon
 2200 ?        00:00:00 sshd
 2201 ?        00:00:00 ps

I hope you find these examples very useful, I have had fun getting these together and they are useful on a Linux network.

One thought on “How to use rsync to list filenames in a directory on a remote Linux server.

  1. On my computer – the text in your boxes is completely invisible unless I highlight it all.

    Thank you for the great tip – this is what I was looking for – that is why I had to highlight it to finally find it.

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