Posted: 25 April 2018. At: 11:20 AM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12067
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How to ssh into a Linux machine easily from your Ubuntu PC.

SSH is a great way to connect to a remote Linux server over a network. This is how to use SSH easily yourself.

Firstly, install SSH on the remote machine to allow remote connections if it is a server you are setting up.

sudo apt install ssh

Then run this command on the client to connect to the server.

jason@Yog-Sothoth:~$ ssh jason@
jason@'s password: 
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-144-generic x86_64)
 * Documentation:
New release '16.04.4 LTS' available.
Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.
Last login: Tue Apr 24 19:45:03 2018 from blufor.local

Just provide the SSH password and the login will work. There is also provision for using a key instead of a password to connect to a remote machine.

How to setup an SSH login using host keys instead of a password.

This will allow simple, but secure connections from a client to a server machine. But make sure the host keys cannot be stolen from the server or client machines, this means someone else could logon as you.

How to leave a command running when your SSH session is disconnected.

Useful SSH tricks for downloading files from an SSH server to your machine.

How to show a banner explaining terms of use for an SSH connection before login.

How using ssh is a better way to access your remote machine. How to do this over port 443.

There is also a way to temporarily connect to a remote machine over SSH, run a command, and then exit immediately.

This is an example.

jason@Yog-Sothoth:~$ ssh jason@ -p 22 -t "ps ax | unity"
jason@'s password: 
WARNING: no DISPLAY variable set, setting it to :0
stop: Unknown job: unity-panel-service
start: Unknown job: unity-panel-service
compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: core
compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: core
compiz (core) - Error: Another window manager is already running on screen: 0
compiz (core) - Info: Stopping plugin: core
compiz (core) - Info: Unloading plugin: core
Connection to closed.

This is how to get quick information from a remote machine using a simple one-liner. Very useful indeed.

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