Posted: 24 May 2018. At: 10:05 AM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12118
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How to set up a file share with Samba on Ubuntu 17.10 and share files to Windows users.

Setting up a file share in Samba is very easy. I am using Ubuntu 17.10.

Firstly, install Ubuntu, then install the Samba server.

jason@kaio:~$ sudo apt install samba

Then create a folder to share from. I made one in the root directory named Share then I added the entries below to my /etc/samba/smb.conf file at the bottom.

  comment = File Share
  path = /Shares
  browsable = yes
  guest ok = yes
  read only = no
  create mask = 0755

Then this command was run to restart the Samba server. Then my share was available in Windows Explorer and I was able to view files shared from a Linux machine.

On a Windows 8.1 PC, I can see that there is a Samba share available on the server.

PS C:\Users\jason> net view \\KAIO
Shared resources at \\KAIO
kaio server (Samba, Ubuntu)
Share name  Type  Used as  Comment
share       Disk           File Share
The command completed successfully.

Or to get just the share name with Powershell.

PS C:\Users\jason> (net view \\KAIO) | % { if($_.IndexOf(' Disk ') -gt 0){ $_.Split('  ')[0] } }

This is very simple, a good way to share files from a Linux PC to a Windows network. This is why Linux is so good for running a network, and it can work alongside Windows machines.

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