Posted: 5 October 2020. At: 9:26 AM. This was 4 years ago. Post ID: 14695
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How to download a Youtube video thumbnail on Linux.

Downloading a thumbnail of a Youtube video on Linux is very easy. This can be done using the youtube-dl script.

Use this youtube-dl command to list all thumbnails for this video.

└──╼ $youtube-dl --list-thumbnails
[youtube] 0ttKUEI3rtM: Downloading webpage
[info] Thumbnails for 0ttKUEI3rtM:
ID  width  height URL
0   168    94
1   196    110
2   246    138
3   336    188
4   1920   1080

Then use wget to download the thumbnail URL you wish to use. Or use this example below and do it all in one go.

└──╼ $youtube-dl -i --no-warnings --get-thumbnail | wget -i -
--2020-10-05 09:19:05--
Resolving (, 2404:6800:4006:80a::2016
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 106208 (104K) [image/webp]
Saving to: 'maxresdefault.webp.1’
maxresdefault.webp.1                                   100%[==========================================================================================================================>] 103.72K  --.-KB/s    in 0.05s   
2020-10-05 09:19:05 (2.06 MB/s) - 'maxresdefault.webp.1’ saved [106208/106208]
FINISHED --2020-10-05 09:19:05--
Total wall clock time: 1.8s
Downloaded: 1 files, 104K in 0.05s (2.06 MB/s)

Then use this command to convert the webp image to png.

└──╼ $convert maxresdefault.webp maxresdefault.png

This is very easy to do and makes downloading Youtube thumbnails very simple.

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