Posted: 21 April 2012. At: 7:49 PM. This was 12 years ago. Post ID: 3202
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Burning ISO images to CD/DVD on Debian GNU/Linux.

Burning a ISO image to a CD or DVD with GNU/Linux is very easy indeed. The wodim command that replaced the old cdrecord software that used to be shipped with Linux is the standard application for performing these tasks. The -speed parameter sets the speed that the ISO image will be written to the DVD disc. Writing at a slower speed such as 8x is better than writing a large image at the maximum speed.

# wodim -eject -speed=8 -v FreeBSD-8.1-RELEASE-i386-dvd1.iso

If you wish to create a ISO image of a CDR to then burn to a new disc, this command will suffice.

dd if=/dev/sr0 bs=1 of=/home/neo/disc.iso

To create a ISO image of a folder, this command will perform this task.

$ genisoimage -J -l -o music.iso Music/

This is the resulting ISO image ready for burning to a CDR.

$ ls -hula music.iso 
-rw-r--r-- 1 neo neo 412M  21-04-12 07:30 pm music.iso

My older CD burning tutorial is here: this is also a good resource for learning how to perform this task with the command-line.

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