Posted: 7 August 2014. At: 11:01 AM. This was 10 years ago. Post ID: 7608
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A useful script for gaining information about your Ethernet adapter.

This useful shell script will print information about your Ethernet or Wireless adapter. This is very useful for getting a lot of information at once.

echo "Showing information for the active network interface: $DEV."
echo -e "-*- \e[1mGet timestamping information for your Ethernet device.\e[0m -*-"
ethtool -T $DEV
echo -e "-*- \e[1mPrinting main information about the Ethernet device.\e[0m -*-"
ethtool $DEV
echo -e "-*- \e[1mPrinting out the permanent hardware address.\e[0m -*-"
ethtool -P $DEV
echo -e "-*- \e[1mPrinting Ethernet adapter IP address.\e[0m -*-"
ip a | awk '/inet / { print $2 }' | sed -n 2p

This script uses the ethtool command. This is very good for gaining IP address info as well as other useful information.

The ethtool command prints verbose information about your network adapter.

Here is an example, this is returning information about a Ethernet card.

4.4 Wed Aug 07 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ ethtool enp0s25
Settings for enp0s25:
	Supported ports: [ TP ]
	Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 
	                        100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 
	Supported pause frame use: No
	Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
	Supported FEC modes: Not reported
	Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 
	                        100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 
	Advertised pause frame use: No
	Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
	Advertised FEC modes: Not reported
	Speed: 1000Mb/s
	Duplex: Full
	Port: Twisted Pair
	Transceiver: internal
	Auto-negotiation: on
	MDI-X: on (auto)
Cannot get wake-on-lan settings: Operation not permitted
	Current message level: 0x00000007 (7)
			       drv probe link
	Link detected: yes

Print just the IP address of your network adapter.

ip a | awk '/inet / { print $2 }' | sed -n 2p

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