How to change the default window manager on OpenBSD.

I am using OpenBSD, and I do not like the default Window Manager used by the operating system. I installed the Fluxbox Window Manager and I had to tell X11 to load it instead of the default. I did it like this. Install the Xorg packages during installation, then you…

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Get information about your OpenBSD system easily.

The OpenBSD operating system has many ways to get system info. One way is to use the sysstat utility. This returns comprehensive information about a running UNIX system. Run sysstat with no parameters and you will get output like this. 2 users Load 0.51 0.36 0.16 neo.home 10:32:19   memory…

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Installing OpenBSD is very easy to do.

I am installing OpenBSD in VMware to test out this very nice UNIX operating system, and this should be very easy to do. I chose to install manually, the auto installation option does not work. Then I had to setup the network interfaces for the operating system. I chose to…

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Just upgraded to OSX Mojave.

I have just upgraded a Macbook to OSX Mojave. This was very painless, and did not take very long at all. Upgrading a Macintosh machine is much easier than upgrading Windows 10, with all of the hassles and file deletion issues involved in that process. After the installation process, I…

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How to install a Linux version of the SGI UNIX desktop on Fedora 25.

I just installed the Linux version of the SGI desktop on my Fedora 25 Linux machine. This was not too hard either. Download a copy of the installation script from here: Run the script as root to download and install the MaXX desktop tarball. [root@localhost Downloads]# sh  …

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Useful C tricks and code samples.

How to define a string and print it out with the printf() function. #include <stdio.h>   /* Defining a global string. */   #define hi "Hello Sire."   int main(void) { /* Printing out the string. */ printf("%s\n", hi);   return 0; }#include <stdio.h> /* Defining a global string. */…

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Cool Linux tricks and hacks for the desktop and server user.

Using the shellshock bash bug on an iMac. iMac04:~ admin$ env VAR1=’me() {echo "hello"}\ ‘ /bin/echo "hello" helloiMac04:~ admin$ env VAR1=’me() {echo "hello"}\ ‘ /bin/echo "hello" hello Getting free hard disk space easily. iMac04:~ admin$ df -Hla Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted on /dev/disk0s2 89G 64G…

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