CDE desktop running on Ubuntu 14.04.

I have got the CDE desktop to compile on Ubuntu 14.04. I found this website:, which in turn lead me here:, a WIKI which contains the build instructions for Ubuntu 14.04. I followed this guide and the build worked perfectly. This is very cool indeed. The performance of…

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Ubuntu Kylin. The most popular Ubuntu for the chinese market.

More than 1.5 million copies of the Ubuntu Kylin distribution have been downloaded in 2013. That shows the growing popularity of open-source software in China. The greater security of Linux compared to Windows allows a computer user to make good use of their computer without worrying about online malware and…

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How to setup Ubuntu 13.10 with a better desktop environment. Better than Unity.

How to setup Ubuntu 13.10 with a proper desktop environment. I just installed Ubuntu 13.10 and I had to update the package repositories. This is essential to install software. homer@deusvult:~/Documents$ sudo apt-get updatehomer@deusvult:~/Documents$ sudo apt-get update After this I could install the initial set of packages to setup my system….

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Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander daily builds available.

Get daily builds of the new Ubuntu 13.10 distribution here. Saucy Salamander will be the next and best release of the Ubuntu distribution yet. Daily builds page. 64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop image. PC AMD-64 image. PC (Intel x86) desktop image. PC i386 (32bit) desktop image. 64-bit Mac (AMD64) desktop…

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How to watch Redbox and Netflix television shows and movies on Ubuntu with Wine. This posting on the OMG Ubuntu website explains in detail how to watch Netflix, Lovefilm and Redbox films and television shows with the Ubuntu 12.10 Linux distribution. This involves using a version of Wine to run the necessary software. You would think that this process would be easy on…

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How to install the unstable builds of Gnome Shell 3.7 in Ubuntu 12.10.

The Gnome Shell 3.6 builds are available for Ubuntu 12.10; but if you want to install the unstable builds of Gnome Shell 3.7 to test it out on your computer, then these commands will install it. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 #The GNOME3 team PPA</code>   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging #The GNOME3 staging…

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Using the iostat command to keep track of disk usage on Linux.

This example shows the iostat command printing information about disk usage on my Ubuntu system. jason@jason-desktop:~$ iostat Linux 4.6.0-rc1-jason (jason-desktop) 01/05/16 _x86_64_ (4 CPU)   avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle 2.50 0.43 1.28 24.37 0.00 71.42   Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn sda 1.49 147.22 0.00 64455…

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