The proper way to install Midnight Commander on MacOSX.

There are a lot of posts out there that purport to contain the answer on how to properly install Home Brew on MacOSX and then install Midnight Commander, but a lot of the posts contain commands that give errors. This is how to do it properly. Run this command in…

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A method to try and fix the forced restarts in Windows 10.

The forced restarts in Windows 10 are very annoying when you are working on something and then your machine restarts in the middle of your work. There is a way to turn this off. To do this go to this folder. %windir%\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator%windir%\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator Rename the “Restart” file and create a folder…

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Stalker game running on Linux with Open Xray.

A developer is working on running Stalker games on Linux with Open Xray engine. This means we could have Stalker Dead Air running on Linux. This is very good, more choice in gaming on Linux would bring more people to the platform. Dead Air has good gameplay and is quite…

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How to list only directories with the ls command on Mac OSX.

The ls command on Mac OSX works a little differently than on a Linux machine, but listing only directories is very simple. This is one example, using only the ls command. deusexmachina:Documents jason$ ls -ld — */ drwxr-xr-x 3 jason staff 102 5 Mar 2018 POL/ drwxrwxrwx 31 jason staff…

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4chan filter rules to block unwanted ads and scripts.

These are very useful filter rules for uBlock Origin, that will block unwanted scripts and trackers on 4chan. The admin of 4chan is putting tracker scripts and images in the website that track all visitors. This is a way to get around this and browse safely. @@||^*$csp=default-src ‘self’ *…

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Best WordPress plugins for 2019.

This is a selection of the best WordPress plugins for 2019. Akismet Anti-Spam This is the best way to stop spambots posting constant spam on your website. Having spam on your site cheapens it and makes it look unprofessional. This plugin protects your website without much need for intervention. Website:…

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A question for my readers.

A professor shares files with his students by placing them in a publicly accessible directory on the Computer Science department’s Linux system. One day he realizes that a file placed there the previous day was left world-writable. He changes the permissions and verifies that the file is identical to his…

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Good networking training institute in India.

There are good places in India to learn networking and gain a Cisco certification. The CCNA cert is very important in today`s world, and this is a very good organization to attain this cert. Network Bulls. This facility offers a fully featured 24/7 lab environment to allow physical labs…

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Average Internet speeds in 1st quarter 2017.

Find more statistics at Statista This is the average of Internet speeds for the first quarter of 2017. Australia is lagging far behind other countries such as Asia. This is not good in 2017. Especially when the uptake of streaming services such as Netflix is rising. We need a faster…

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